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Munches - A Safe Space to Play!


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Cuddles with Memo, Mushroom, and Bear

  • August 02, 2020
  • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Munches Private Club 6292 Montgomery Dr 78239


Registration is closed

# Cuddle Party!

## What is a Cuddle Party?
*A cuddle party (or a cuddle puddle or snuggle party) is an event designed with the intention of allowing people to experience nonsexual group physical intimacy through cuddling.*

## Rules:
* We are 18+ physically and any age mentally. This is a kink event and **NO** children allowed.
* No Nudity
* No sexual contact.
* No cell phones
* Absolutely no **DRAMA**
* Negotiate is a **MUST** , More will be explained at the munch

Remember yes means yes, no means no, and maybe means no!!!

Please note: 1pm -2pm is pre-mingle, 2pm to 4pm Cuddles begin, and 4pm to 5pm is clean up and last cuddle calls.

## How do you get an invite?
Be an active member of the group, [San Antonio Cuddles][

About us

The owners of Munches have been in the local scene for over a year. Each of us currently runs a group or has assisted in running other groups previously. We have a wide variety of knowledge in multiple aspects of the lifestyle.

Membership is required to attend any Munches party or class. When you buy a $20 membership you get 1 free entry a month to a party.


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